26 Feb 2018

The life of Bonifác // Dada's story

Good morning or evening. Depends on what time is when you are reading this post now.

Let me introduce myself - I am Bonifác and I am the new reason why Dada carries on with her life. Really, it is true. 

I was born on 14 October 2017. And I was a Christmas present for her. Actually, I do not like to say I was JUST a present. I was the best present ever. She was completely lost without me and let me say - since she is a woman, she really needed a strong man, who will take care of everything. So,  I am here.

You might be asking why I am writing here, this is her blog though. Well, as I said before, I am going to take care of everything and she is just horrible with this blog. She is posting whenever she wants, she writes about craps and so on. From now - I will write here as well. And finally, this blog will have a good and interesting articles!

Today I will tell you how I got my name.

She had a real struggle to give me name. She wanted to name me "Palacinka" (which is a pancake in English) or "Blueberry". Yes, she is not OK, I am telling you honestly. 

I was personally thinking about "Your Majesty" but she did not really listened to me, I do not know why. Come on, it would have just sounded right - "Your Majesty, why did you poop on my bed?" I would like it, very much!

I remember that her grandmother had a calendar. Well, a Catholic calendar, since she is a huge believer. I do not know why she just cannot believe in me, that would be enough I guess. Anyway, Dada was searching from all of those names and eventually, she had two names - Bonifác and Gašpar. And do you know why she decided for Bonifác? Because she is stupid, of course.

She did think that Bonifác was one of the kings who came to a little Jesus on 6th of January. Yes, I am serious. To those who does not know, the Kings where Gaspar, Melichar and Baltazar. Not Bonifác (and Pankrác and Servác) as she thought. 

So, I am not the king just because of her stupidity. Could you believe that? 

Moreover, of course she will never be able to call me Bonifác for the rest of my life. It is too long for her. And too formal, she says. And not cute enough. Cute?! I am not cute! I am a man and I was born to be a king (I am not, again because of her). She has come up with a nickname, bless her silliness. She calls me "Bonbón" now, which is a candy in English. The chocolate candy you eat. Yes,  my nickmane is food. Please, help me!

In the end, I would make a little statement. For you, I am Sir/Lord/Duke Bonifác or Your Majesty, choose which one you want. Nothing else.

Thank you. I will write more the next time.

Best Regards, Lord Bonifác.

18 Feb 2018

My Valentine's day // Dada's beauty

Hello, hello, hello.

Let me start with a saying that I am not the biggest romantic in the world but I celebrate the Valentine's day. And I did enjoy it this year.

I got two Valentine's postcards - one from my colleague and one from a friend. I loved them so much that I have to put them here, so you can also have a look. Aren't they adorable? <3
Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt dumbledore valentines
Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt pizza valentines gif
But let's move on, the reason of this post is much more important since for the first time in history,
I got a real present, I mean a proper Valentine's day present.
You cannot imagine how surprised I was when I found a package from Mary Kay without noticing they were about to send me something.
I was happy,  I am not going to lie. Even though I do not like surprises. The package contained 2 products and a T-shirt. I also got a postcard, very special one I must say.
Tell me one thing - who has got time to write to you a hand-written postcard? Isn't this breath-taking? I do appreciate it, since this is an excellent example how to make people happy and feel like they are  important for you so you are willing to spend some time to write them a few words.
And here we are. Honestly, which woman would not be excited from getting a lip scrub and a butter balm? 
To be honest with you, I had had my last balm at home and that was it, no more balms. I still cannot get how did this happen. So, for now, I have two of them ... even though I usually have like 6 of them :-)

And the scrub, that's something. I have never had a lip scrub, even though I needed it for a long time. My lips can be dry and sometimes a bit cracked, which hurts. I have found out with this lip sugar scrub how important and good is to use it for your lips. I kind of feel using it once, maybe twice per week. The scrub also contains an admixture of a shea butter, which is super good since your lips will not be dry afterwards. 

The balm also contains a jojoba butter. I do love jojoba butter, it suits my skin completely. The balm is light after putting it on lips, does not leave that kind of uncomfortable feeling, your lips soft and hydrated.

Both of the products are named WHITE TEA & CITRUS and I have to say, when I applied them, I really did feel fresh feeling on my lips, however they are not irritated. The combination of freshness, softness and calmness is just perfect.

Sugar scrub:
Lip balm:
The highlight of the package was the T-shirt. 

I was honoured when I found out that the T-shirt was made/designed by KLOKART
You can read more about the project here: http://www.klokart.cz/
And about the T-shirt here: http://www.klokart.cz/collection/damske-tricko-7/

The material of the T-shirt is very nice and soft, the "painting" is just marvellous, I simply love it. Unfortunately, the T-shirt is way too big for me. I have received the size M, but the T-shirt which would suit me for an everyday wearing would be XS. In this case, I can wear the T-shirt as a pyjama, it is that big and long :-D But I am sorry because I would worn it to work or to the town if the size was different. 

I have taken some photos for you to have a look on the T-shirt :-)
And with that, we are on the very end. 

Tell me, did you celebrate the Valentine's day this year? If yes, share your stories, I will be delightful to read them <3
Have a beautiful day! Serusky